By: Muhammad Yusuf
An Application of Environmental Management Law in the Management of Tempe Lake Fishery in Wajo Regency
(Supervised by Abdullah Marlang and M. Natsir Nessa)
The study aims: 1) to describe the effectiveness of environmental law implementation in the management of Lake Tempe Fishery, 2) to investigate the suitability of the fishery activity by the people with environmental preservation principles, and 3) the synchronization of the regional law and regulations with the environmental management and fishery laws.
The study was carried out in four lakeside districts of Wajo Regency: Tempe, Tanasitolo, Sabbangparu, and Belawa Districts. A survey was conducted with a census performed on government institution, questionnaires distributed to 182 fishermen respondents, and interviews conducted to public figures and government officials. The data were analyzed with statistical t examination and descriptive interpretation.
The result indicates that the application of environmental law is not effective due to the limited ability of official and the lack of the people’s awareness. The fishery activities of the people do not take into account environmental principles because of their limited knowledge on the matter. The regional law and regulations are not in line with the environmental management law and fisher law which may effect ecological and economic balance. The fishery management of Lake Tempe should be directed by ecosystem approach and have an independent organizing institution.
Oleh: Muhammad Yusuf
Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di empat kecamatan pesisir Danau Tempe Kabupaten Wajo yaitu
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penerapan peraturan lingkungan tidak efektif karena kemampuan aparat yang terbatas dan kurangnya kesadaran masyarakat, kegiatan perikanan nelayan kurang memperhatikan prinsip lingkungan karena rendahnya pengetahuan masyarakat, serta Perda pengelolaan perikanan Danau Tempe kurang sinkron dengan UU PLH dan UU Perikanan karena aspek peraturan serta kurangnya keseimbangan ekologi dan ekonomi. Pengelolaan perikanan Danau Tempe harus dikelola melalui pendekatan ekosistem dan memiliki lembaga pengelola yang independen..